Work with me

I offer a broad array of services. If any of the below are things you are interested in then please reach out to me by filling in this form, or sending me a private message on one of the many social media channels.

My primary passion is around building tech education systems and training tech educators.

Besides that, I am an experienced software engineer.

I have also spent a lot of time on public speaking, having keynoted at multiple international conferences. I am able to offer feedback and support in a few different ways.

Tech ed consulting and teacher training

My primary niche is at the intersection of education and software development. I have worked in tech-ed and ed-tech for a number of years and I am intimately familiar with all aspects of turning unskilled people into professional software developers.

My passion lies in empowering those who are dedicated to empowering others.

There is an art and a science to teaching well. And there is an art and a science to building a machine that can teach people well and at scale.

Here is a conference talk I did recently in which I speak about some of the work I have done.

Technical training workshops for cooperates

I have a few solid technical workshops in place, and more in development. If any of the below are of interest to you or your organisation, let's talk!

I can run these workshops in person or remotely.

Custom workshops

If none of the workshops mentioned below work for you then I am open to creating something custom.

Workshop: Modern web frontend development with Django, HTMX, Playwright, AlpineJS and Tailwindcss

Once upon a time, if you wanted to build a modern frontend web experience using a Python based web framework, an obvious choice was to expose a bunch of APIs and build your frontend in something else entirely (eg React).

Times have changed.

Tools like HTMX and AlpineJS have made HTML great again.

These tools make full stack web dev fast and fun, they simplify development, shrink code bases, and give backend devs the ability to do modern frontend work. In my personal experience I've seen the adoption of these tools lead to massive productivity gains for junior and senior devs alike.

This workshop will walk you through the process of building and testing a CRUD application with a rich and modern frontend.

We'll be making use of:

  • Django
  • HTMX
  • a sprinkle of AlpineJS
  • a touch of of Tailwindcss
  • Playwright for testing

Even though this is a Django-based tutorial, we wont be covering any super advanced Django functionality. Our focus will be on the frontend, and testing the frontend.

Workshop: Apache Airflow - beginner to advanced

This will be a beginner's guide to Airflow and will cover a few more advanced topics. We'll start off with the basics like the definition of a DAG and how to think about distributed workloads, and then we'll make some dags.

We'll cover concepts like parameters, variables, the taskflow API, how to generate dags dynamically (based on data structures), and a lot more.

Technical consulting

I have fairly broad experience in software engineering. My main language is Python and my main web framework is Django, but I have worked with quite a lot of different things. I work to solve big hairy problems in simple ways with clean and maintainable code.

I am most interested in working with organisations who aim to make a positive impact on the world.

Various coaching services

If you need career advice, support on public speaking, help with understanding different tools and languages or anything else that fits within my wheelhouse, feel free to reach out and we can see if I can help you.

Get in touch

You can get in touch with me by filling in this form, or sending me a private message on one of the many social media channels.

Stay up to date

Subscribe to my newsletter. This will be a monthly digest of my latest articles and some other news and goodies.

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Feedback makes my heart go boom, and I would love to hear from you if you want to talk about this!

Hit me up on the socials :)