Free webinar + Q&A: Not your typical classroom
I'm running a free webinar/Q&A about the why and how of Prelude's training mechanisms
My primary interest is to provide value to tech educators. There are many facets to this, and I write about all of them. And some fun stuff...
I'm running a free webinar/Q&A about the why and how of Prelude's training mechanisms
I've been running workshops through Prelude for some time. I've made a few changes to how things work, added more flexibility to suite different schedules and added a whole lot of information about how things work.
What if we designed our education systems to be robust against human error and common human struggles? A lot of the mechanisms we use in education and in work seem to be built for robots. Would it not be humane to expect less of people? Would it not be better for everyone if we considered what we could learn from outliers?
Exploring how tools like Django, AllAuth, and HTMX don’t just help you build—they teach you to understand the web at a deeper level.
I'll be running a free webinar on 13 Feb. It's for anyone who is not quite clear on why Git is worth learning
I've got a lot of good news to start the year
I've spent a lot of time teaching people how to be professional developers. Here is some of the advice I give again and again
Teaching beginner programmers is often way harder than teaching advanced skills. This is why.
Why giving away free training is often very wasteful, and how I plan to adapt
A recipe for success for teachers interacting directly with students
Certifications serve a purpose, but have a lot of problems
Some things I think about while designing workshops for maximum learning
I take conference talk preparation very seriously, with good results. Here is how I do it
Consulting, training services and moonshots
I've been to a lot of conferences lately, here are a few practices and mechanisms worth stealing (like an artist)
There is no ultimate way to educate or learn
A place for educators to connect and grow
Time for a new adventure
Small and cheap learning interventions with outsized effects
Small and cheap learning interventions with outsized effects
Porting from Django+React to a Django+HTMX based stack
Critical foundational knowledge for software devs of all shapes and sizes
I'm doing a little research about how new devs find their way (or don't). I'd love it if you could share this
The conferences I've spoken at and how things have built up over time
The magic ingredient for both learners and teachers
This is a work in progress, I'll update it as I go
How sage-on-a-stage teaching fails learners, and how we can do better
How assessing learners helps teachers grow
How you learn by teaching others. And applications at a code school
Sometimes the things that hold a person back are not very obvious
In a first principles approach to education system design, mastery-based learning would be among the first of the principles
Why some code schools focus on shallow familiarity
Junior devs struggle to get work, loads of people are getting laid off, yet companies struggle to find the dev talent that they need. This seems to be a worldwide phenomenon. What gives?
Advice on skill acquisition for early-career developers